Check-in Flow Editor (Intro 1/4)

One of the core configuration options of the essentry platform is the Check-in Flow Editor. It allows you to control how guests, contractors or employees are admitted onto your premises and when access privileges should be granted to them.

You can access the Check-in Flow Editor by clicking on COMPANY > CHECK-IN FLOWS in the sidebar. 


By default, each location you add will trigger a default Check-in Flow to be generated automatically. It can be identified by the prefix [GENERATED]

Create new Check-in Flow


  1. Click +New Check-in Flow at the top right.

  2. Assign a name to the Check-in Flow.

  3. Select the Approval Process. This determines who (everyone, everyone without a assigned host or nobody) is directed to the reception for final approval.

  4. Select wether the guest can assign a host for themselves.

  5. Select wether guests must be picked up by a host. If enabled, the host will receive a notification email that their guest has arrived.

  6. If Guest Pickup is enabled, you can select wether the host receives the option to notify the guest how long the host will need to pick them up. This option will be part of the notification email the host receives.

  7. Select Create.

Check-in Flow Structure

The Check-in Flow is divided into the State and the Transitions.

The State represents what point of the Check-in process the guest is currently in. The Transitions determine under what conditions the guest moves from state to state. Each State can have multiple Transitions to cover various scenarios.


The State



Upcoming - The guest has received an invitation or has initiated a check in at a kiosk/iPad.

Pending - The guest has completed the initial steps at the kiosk/iPad.

Host - The host/reception has been notified of the guests arrival and needs to approve or reject the guest. 

Onsite - The guest has successfully completed the check-in process and has been granted access privileges (in form of an access card or equivalent).

Left - The guest has checked out and his access privileges have been revoked.

Rejected - The guest has been denied access by the host/reception and was not granted access privileges.

Each State has a set of options that can be customised.



Name - Can be freely renamed or deleted as desired.
Exception: Upcoming state can't be renamed or deleted.

Language & Color - How the state is displayed for each language can be changed here. A custom color can also be assigned to the state by clicking the colored square.

Incoming Trigger - Triggers Actions that should be executed when the guest enters this state can be configured here. 

Outgoing Trigger - Triggers Actions that should be executed when the guest leaves this state can be configured here. 

Settings - Settings governing Guest Pickup and Access Control. 

Actions and Settings are covered in more detail here: Actions and Settings  

Creating new States


  1. Click New State at the bottom of the Check-in Flow Editor.

  2. Assign a title, labels and a color to the State.

  3. Choose wether you wish Guest Pick-up to be enabled.
    If enabled, the host will be able to respond when they will pick up their guests. This information is then sent to their guests and displayed to the receptionists.

  4. For Access Control, select wether the guest will receive No Access, Access in this State or Access during Appointment.
    When selecting Access during Appointment, you can also specify how long before and after the appointment you wish to grant the guest access.
    Guests without an invitation will receive an access card which is valid for 12 hours after check-in.

  5. Choose if this will be a Final State.
    Final states can't have any outgoing transitions and once a guest is in one of these states, they can't move into another state.

  6. Click Create.

New states can only be created when the Check-in Flow is not assigned to a location. 

The Transitions



Each Transition is divided into 4 sections.



Name & Label - Transition name, how the transition is displayed for each language and custom color label can be configured here.
This section also displays how the transition is triggered. Triggers can't be changed and must be defined when a new transition is created.  

Target State - Defines what state the guest enters after they leave the current state.

Settings - Various settings and conditions can be defined here.

Actions - Actions that should be triggered when the guest leaves this Transition can be configured here. 

Actions and Settings are covered in more detail here: Actions and Settings  


Creating new Transitions


  1. Click on New Transition within the State you wish to add the Transition.

  2. Select the type of Transition you wish to create:
    Triggered at or after a certain time - You will need to specify a title and the time of day.
    Triggered by an Access Control System - You will need to specify a title and the ACS-Reader that should trigger this.
    Triggered by guest at a kiosk or iPad - You will need to specify a label, a title, a transition color and if and how recurring guests should be identified (only for transitions within the Pending state).
    Triggered by host pressing a button - You will need to specify a label, a title and a transition color.
    Triggered by host scanning QR code - You will need to specify a label, a title and a transition color.
    Triggered by the reception - You will need to specify a label, a title and a transition color.
    Triggered when all conditions are satisfied - No additional settings are required.
    Triggered by an integration - You will need to specify a title.

  3. Select the Target State the Transition should direct to.

  4. Select Create.

Default Check-in Flow

The default Check-in Flow process is depicted below:


Other Articles in this Section 

Check-in Flow Editor: Settings and Actions (Intro 2/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Conditions (3/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Detailed explanation of the standard Check-in Flow (Intro 4/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Example Use Cases (Bonus)


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