Check-in Flow Editor: Conditions (Intro 3/4)

This is a continuation of the previous section Check-in Flow Editor: Settings and Actions (Intro 2/4).

In this section we will cover in detail the use of Conditions within the Check-in Flow Editor.

Conditions are very versatile in their use and can be applied to Actions, Transitions and Compliance Documents.

Conditions must be applied to Compliance Documents directly in the Compliance section of the Dashboard and not within the Check-in Flow Editor.



Condition Type Modifier Value Description
all access profiles exist? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the assigned access profiles exist in the ACS
has at least one legitimation with matching birthdates? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has 1 or more valid legitimation with a matching birthdate
has badge already been printed? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has already been issued with a printed badge
has checked in at an iPad? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the check-in has been initiated at an iPad
has checked in at a kiosk? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the check-in has been initiated at a kiosk
has checked in with QR code? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the check-in has been initiated with a QR-code
has host? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has a host assigned
has invitation? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has an invitation
has legitimation? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has a legitimation, e.g. invitation or host
has normal temperature? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guests temperature is within the nominal range (only possible if temp. check device is installed)
has ongoing appointment? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has an ongoing appointment (useful for auto Check-out)
has some custom field positive? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if any custom field for this guest has a positive value (bool)
has valid trusted id? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest has passed the Trusted ID check at the kiosk
is at wrong entrance? Boolean (bool) (==/!=) True checks if the guest is at the incorrect entrance for their appointment
arrived at entrance? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. entrances checks if the guest has arrived at the specified entrance
invited at entrance? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. entrances checks if the guest was invited to the specified entrance
is at location? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. locations checks if the guest is invited or onsite at the specified location
has access profile? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. access profiles checks if the guest has the specified access profile
has access profile from partition? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. partition checks if the guest has any access profile from the specified partition
has host company equal to? Option (single) (==/!=) avail. tenants/lessor checks if the guest has host company set to a specified company
has custom field equal to? Various (complex)   avail. custom fields >
avail. value
checks if the guest has a specified custom field set to the specified value
has host with email address domain? Various (complex)   free text checks if the guest has a host that matches a specified email domain
has legitimation attribute? Various (complex)   legit.attr.: free text >
value: free text
checks if the guest has a specified legitimation attribute set to a specified value (only used for SalesForce)

The modifier == denotes that the value is, while the modifier != denotes that the value is not

Conditions are based on JSON programming language, but in depth knowledge of this language is not required. However, it is important to understand how Conditions interact with each other using Logical Operators.

Logical Operators

Logical Operators allow for Conditions to be used in combination to cover a broad set of variables. 

The AND operator takes two or more conditions and triggers the desired outcome when all specified conditions are met.


The OR operator takes two or more conditions and triggers the desired outcome when at least one specified condition is met.


The NOT operator triggerst the desired outcome when the specified condition is not met.



When using the NOT operator on two or more conditions, AND or OR must also be used.




The Add Rule button can be used to add another condition that functions in combination with the other conditions within that group. 

The Add Group button can be used to create a new group of conditions that function as a sub-set of the conditions in the group from which it stems. This way even more complex sets of conditions can be defined.

Depending on which Add Group button is selected (within the initial group or a sub-group), the sub-groups can have further sub-groups or other sub-groups in parallel. 

In the below example, the system checks that all three AND conditions are met, as well as at least one of the two OR conditions. 


Sub-groups will always conform to the Logical Operator from which they branch off.
In the above example, the Sub-group is an OR statement, but itself forms one part of a superceeding AND statement.


The below examples are not exhaustive and can, in some instances, be applied to use cases other than what is described.

Guest has arrived at correct location but wrong entrance


This combination can be used with the Action display custom information for guests at the kiosk, informing the guest that they are at the incorrect entrance for this location and/or that their host will come to collect them.


Guests is contractor but is logging in as visitor


In this example we have a Check-in Flow that allows guests to choose what type of guest (Visitor or Contractor) they are when they don't use a QR-code to start the check-in. Based on this selection they may be required to complete different Compliance Documents and/or provide specific information.

The guest has started the check-in without using their QR-code and has instead specified that they are a Visitor.

The host however has specified, during the appointment creation, that the guest is a Contractor. Once the guest is recognized by the system (through TrustedID check), the system sees that they have the Custom Field Guest Type set to Contractor and redirects the guest to the Transition intended for Contractors. 

Even though the guest made the incorrect choice when starting the check-in, he is automatically redirected to the correct flow and shown the appropriate documents and/or asked to provide the required information.

This combination of conditions should be applied to the Settings section of the Transition that is intended for Contractors.

Kiosk should print badge only when specific conditions are met

In this example we want the guest to be issued with a name badge only if:
- they are checking in at a kiosk
- they are invited by a specific tenant at the location
- they have not been issued access rights to two specific parts of the location


Here we have utilized a sub-group to our AND statement. By using NOT-OR in the sub group, we tell the system, that neither access profile may be present for this Action to trigger. If we had used NOT-AND instead, the system would trigger the action as long as only one of the two access profiles was not present.

The sub-group is superceeded by the main AND statement and must be met, for the superceeding AND statement to also meet its conditions.

Should we have only one type of access profile, we can simplify this statement as follows:


We have removed the sub-group and instead added a third condition to the AND statement and used the modifier != to make the condition is not instead of is.


Display specific compliance documents based on location

In this example we have multiple locations that use the same Check-in Flow but we require different Compliance Documents, e.g. evacuation plans, to be shown to guests based on which location they are at.

For this we will attached the Condition is at location to the Compliance Documents themselves and specify the correct location as the Value to that Condition.


Once we have created the Compliance Documents for all locations, we can go into the Check-in Flow and add all Compliance Documents to the same Transition in the Settings.

The system can now check the location the guest is at and will display the appropriate Compliance documents.

By doing this, we can use the same Check-in Flow for all locations, even if each location has different requirements for Compliance Documents.

We can also add additional conditions to the compliance document such as:

- has host company equal to in order to display the documentation that is specific to a tenant.

- has custom field equal to in order to show specific documents to guests based on a custom field we have defined beforehand, such as what guest type they are.


Other Articles in this Section 

Check-in Flow Editor (Intro 1/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Settings and Actions (Intro 2/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Detailed explanation of the standard Check-in Flow (Intro 4/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Example Use Cases (Bonus)


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