In this section we will introduce a few Check-in Flow configurations that can add useful features.
The individual configurations will only be listed and described here. To see the steps necessary to implement them, please follow the dedicated links in the individual sections.
Automatic Check-in of Invited & Verified Guests
The automatic check-in for invited and verified guests is the most widely used and useful transition. It allows visitors to skip the Host state and proceed directly to the Onsite state, as long as certain conditions are fulfilled.
For detailed instructions on how to implement this transition, please see this article.
Self-Check-out through Guests at a Kiosk
You can configure your check-in flow for your guests to be able to initiate their own check-out at a kiosk.
For detailed instructions on how to implement these two check-out options, please see this article.
Automatic Check-out at a Certain Time
You can configure your check-in flow for your guests to be automatically checked-out at a specific time.
For detailed instructions on how to implement these two check-out options, please see this article.
Check-in by Visitor Type
By default, the essentry check-in flow doesn't differentiate your guests, but you can configure it to, for example, categorize guests as visitors, contractors or employees and process their check-in accordingly.
For detailed instructions on how to implement the guest-type check-in, please see this article.
Require Compliance Documents based on Location
If you have multiple locations you may need to have specific compliance documentation for each one. Having individual check-in flows for each location, that only differ in what compliance documents are displayed, can be cumbersome to set up and eventually become unmanagable.
A simple solution is to utilize conditions to show only those documents that are required for each location and still use only one check-in flow.
For detailed instructions on how to implement location based compliance documents, please see this article.
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