Check-in Flow: Detailed explanation of the standard Check-in Flow (Intro 4/4)

This is the final part of the Introduction to the Check-in Flow Editor and will cover the standard Check-in Flow structure in detail.


Standard Check-in Flow

The standard Check-in Flow is automatically generated every time you add a new location to your essentry account and can be identified by the prefix [GENERATED].





Under Upcoming we have the Guest Check-in, which is initiated by the guest at the kiosk or iPad (1), and the Manual Check-in, which is initiated by the reception (2). 


The Guest Check-in (1) transition requires Trusted ID (3) to be completed successfully and can identify recurring guests by name and birthdate (4). Both of these are applied in the settings.


Under Actions, the printing of a guest badge (5) and dispensing of an RFID card (6) have been set to trigger when the guest leaves this transition.


The guest will leave the state and is directed to Pending status.


The Manual Check-in (2) transition has two optional fields set that can be filled in by the reception; The host (7) and the guests company (8).


The guest will leave the State and is directed to Host status.



When the guest enters the Pending status, the Action Display custom information for guests at the kiosk (1)is triggered and will display a notice on the device that directs the guest to the reception.  

In Pending status we have two further transitions; Approve and Reject (2). As the names suggest, the reception is now able to make a final determination, if the guest should be admitted or rejected.


Both Approve and Reject have two Settings enabled, requesting additional information regarding the guests visit that can be filled in by the reception; The host and the guests company (3), which are set to Write (Optional) by default.


Should the reception approve the guest, they will transition to the Host state. 

Should the reception reject the guest, they will transition to the Rejected state.



Once the guest enters the Host status, 3 seperate Actions (1) are triggered; Send notification to host & appointment creator, Display custom information for guest on kiosk and Show appointment details to guest

Under Host we have 4 transitions; Confirm Host Pick-up (2), Check-out (2), Confirm Pick-up (3) and Automatic (4).


Confirm Host Pickup and Check-out (2) must be selected by the receptionist in the Reception Detail View for each guest. At this point, the settings for Host (5) has become a Read Only field and can no longer be changed. Guest Company (6) remains as Write (Optional).

Confirm Host Pickup means that the host has collected the guest and moves them to the Onsite state.

Check-out moves the guest to the Left state, which signifies that the guest, while not rejected, was not moved to the Onsite state and has not entered the location.

Confirm Pick-up (3) is triggered by the host pressing a button to confirm that they have collected the guest. The guest is then moved to the Onsite state.

The Automatic (4) transition is triggered when all conditions are satisfied. This means that the guest must have successfully passed through the previous states by either passing the Trusted ID process or being manually checked-in by the reception staff. 

The Automatic transition superceeds the previous 3 transitions and moves all guests to the Onsite state, effectively skipping the Host state.



Once the guest enters the Onsite state, the two Actions Display custom information for guests at the kiosk (1) and Show directions for guests (1) are triggered.

Additionally, the Setting Access credentials enabled in this state during the appointment (2) is enabled and can have a Grace Period set (e.g. 15 minutes before and after the appointment time). The guest now has access rights as determined by the settings of the integrated ACS.


As before, Host and Guest Company (4) remain at Read Only and Write (Optional), respectively.

In order for the guest to transition to the Left state, action by the reception is required (3)



The states Left (1) and Rejected (2) are final states and have no transitions. They form the end point of the guest's progress through the states.




Other Articles in this Section 

Check-in Flow Editor (Intro 1/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Settings and Actions (Intro 2/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Conditions (Intro 3/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Example Use Cases (Bonus) 


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