By default our system doesn't differentiate between your guests, but you can easily set up your check-in flow to do this.
Custom Field
You will first need to Create a Custom Field that supports this differentiation.
Choose the custom field type Single Option From List.
Select Add Option (1) and create the three distinct guest-types.
Ensure that the Field Visibility is set to Write (Required) (2) during appointment creation, so that all invited guests must be assigned a type by the appointment creator.
Next you will need to assign the custom field to at least one transition in every state (1), so that the labels are visible in the reception detail-view for each state that the guest passes through.
Lastly, you will need to create transitions for each guest type in the Upcoming state and configure them as described below.
Visitors who initiated the check-in process at a Kiosk or iPad (1) are set to transition to the Host (2) state once they have met the check-in requirements.
The visitor will need to complete the required Compliance Documents (3), the Trusted ID check (4) and must meet the conditions:
[Has Invitation = False] OR [Has Invitation = True AND Has custom field: Guest Type = Visitor] (5).
Recurring visitors are set to be identifiable by Name and Birthdate (6) and have a check-in Grace Period (7) of 30 minutes before the appointment time.
The system will notify the Host and Appointment Creator (8) of the visitors arrival via email.
A Name Badge (9) will be printed for the visitor and the kiosk/iPad will Display a Custom Message (10), advising the visitor to proceed to the reception to await pick-up.
Contractors who initiated the check-in process at a Kiosk or iPad (1) are set to transition to the Onsite (2) state once they have met the check-in requirements.
The contractor will need to complete the required Compliance Documents (3), the Trusted ID check (4) and must meet the conditions:
[Has Invitation = False] OR [Has Invitation = True AND Has custom field: Guest Type = Contractor] (5). See Visitors section above for how the conditions should be organized.
Recurring contractors are set to be identifiable by Name and Birthdate (6) and have a check-in Grace Period (7) of 15 minutes before the appointment time.
The kiosk will Dispense a RFID Card (8) to the contractor with which they can access the location.
Employees who initiate the Check-in process at a Kiosk or iPad (1) are set to transition to the Onsite (2) state once they have met the check-in requirements.
The employee will need to complete the Trusted ID check (3) and must meet the condition:
[Has Invitation = False] OR [Has Invitation = True AND Has custom field: Guest Type = Employee] (4). See Visitors section above for how the conditions should be organized.
They are also set to be identifiable by Name and Birthdate (4) for recurring visits.
As employees will generally have their own permanent RFID card, none is dispensed here.
The individual guest-types and settings described above are a guide only and can be configured as required. Should you have any questions regarding configuration, please feel free to contact the essentry support team.
As was mentioned above, each transition for each guest type, has the condition Has custom field = Guest Type in combination with Has Invitation = True. By adding these conditions in this manner and specifying which guest type label is required for the transition, we can prevent guests of a specific type being funneled through the incorrect transition.
By grouping the additional condition Has Invitation = False as an OR statement, we prevent guests being unable to be funneled through any of the transitions and thus becoming unable to check in at all.
This way, guests that arrive without an appointment, will be able to select what guest-type category they fall into while those that have a guest-type assigned, will be redirected to the correct transition regardless of what selection they make at the beginning.
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