Settings for Visitor badge templates, Access profile updates and Kiosk Privacy Mode

This section deals with the settings for visitor badge templates, access profile updates and the kiosk privacy mode.


Visitor Badge Template

By default, there is only one version of the visitor badge template available.


Should you require a custom visitor badge design, please contact our support team and we'll be happy to assist you in creating an additional template.

Should you have multiple templates available to you, you can select the desired one through the drop-down menu in the Visitor Badge Template section, found after selecting the desired location from the list under Company > Locations.


Access Profile Updates

This setting controls if and how access profiles of guests at this location can be changed. The following options are available and can be selected by navigating to Company > Locations, selecting the desired location from the list and scrolling down to the relevant section.

  • Reception
    The reception can change the access profiles of each guest directly via the essentry dashboard and overwrite any existing profiles.
  • Access Control System (ACS)
    The reception can set a toggle so that access profiles can only be changed externally via the access control system.
  • Not at all
    Access profiles can't be changed at all.


Kiosk Privacy Mode

Enable the Kiosk Privacy Mode to effectively blur out sensitive information, such as your guests' names and birthdates. This ensures that confidential data remains hidden from prying eyes.

The following options are available and can be selected by navigating to Company > Locations, selecting the desired location from the list and scrolling down to the relevant section.

  • Disabled
  • Enabled, off by default
  • Enabled, on by default



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