How do I manage guests as a receptionist?

This article will cover the different action the reception staff can take to manage guests while they are at a location.


These are the different actions available to you when in the Reception Tab:

  • Check-in guests that are in the Upcoming or Pending status.
  • Admit or reject guests that are in the Pending status.
  • Check-out guests that are leaving or have left.


Check-in guests that are in the Upcoming status

While in the Upcoming status, the guests can be checked-in by opening up the detail view and selection the option to Check-in Manually.


To do this, select the guest from the list and click on the Check-in Manually button.




Depending on the settings of the check-in flow, you may need to specify certain values, such as the Host, before the Check-in Manually button can be clicked.


Admit or reject guests that are in the Pending status

While in the Pending status, the guests will have already completed the initial steps at the kiosk or iPad, but was not automatically moved to the On Site status. In this case, the reception staff will need to either approve or reject the guest.


To do this, select the guest from the list and click on either Approve or Reject.



Depending on the settings of the check-in flow, you may need to specify certain values, such as the Host, before the Approve button can be clicked.


Check-out guests that are leaving or have left

Once a guest has finished their appointment and is ready to leave (or has already left), they can be checked-out via the reception view.

To do this, select the guest from the list and click on Check-out.



If you serve several locations or have other tasks, please select the location you are working at first. Then select the Reception Tab.
The same applies to multiple entrances. You can select these on the right above the guest list.


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