How can I create and manage users?

You can create and modify accounts for your users by yourself. Users can manage locations, entrances or other employees and invite visitors based on their assigned role. In this article, you will learn how to set up your users properly.

Bulk-import of users

Especially for the first set up, you might have to create a lot of new users. To make this easier, you can also upload a list (Microsoft Excel or .csv) of users using the essentry Dashboard. To find out more, please read this article: How can I invite multiple employees at once?


Create new users



To manually create new users, please click "COMPANY" and then "EMPLOYEES" from the sidebar navigation and then click "+ New Employee" at the top right.

Enter all the data of the user in the popup. By default, all users are created with only the ability to create appointments. You can provide them with more permissions (roles) as described below.

Click "Create employee"and the newly created user will receive an email with their invitation to essentry. 


Modify employees



To modify users, select the user you want to edit from the list of users by clicking on them.

This will open a detail popup with the user details. Here you can edit the details for that user and change their roles. To add a new role, click the "+ Add Role" button above the role list.

In the next popup, please select the role you want to add to this user. Some of those roles are per location only, so you will need to select one of your locations as well.

When you are done with the modifications, please click "Save changes".



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