Welcome to essentry: Your first steps as a superadmin.

We would like to welcome you to essentry - we are happy to have you with us!

Your company uses essentry to improve visitor management at your locations and to provide customers and guests with a modern communication and booking infrastructure. You have been designated as a super administrator for your essentry company account.

On this and the following pages, you will learn how to create your essentry account as the contact person (and therefore also administrator) for your company, invite your employees to essentry and pre-register your guests via essentry.

Setting up your company account

As the superadmin of your company you have received an e-mail with a link to create your company at essentry. Please click on the link in the e-mail to start the registration process.

On the first page, please first enter your email address and name and set a password for your personal account. Confirm the information by clicking on "Next".


Next, please enter the name of your company and the address details. By clicking on "Start Dashboard" your account will be created. 



Your company account is now ready.

Changing the language in the dashboard

To change the language in the essentry Dashboard, simply click on your name in the upper right corner. You can now change the language in the popup. This change will remain on your account until you want to change the language again.

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Next steps with essentry

The next steps are described in the following articles:


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