The privacy policy is displayed to all guests during registration and check-in.
In order for a custom privacy policy to be displayed, it must be set up in the compliance settings.
If there is no privacy policy, the default essentry policy will be displayed.
Multiple privacy policies can be created and applied to locations as desired.
Navigate to Company > Compliance.
Scroll down to Privacy Policy and select Create New Privacy Policy.
To add a privacy statement, select the a language and add the desired wording. Click Create.
A permanent link to the current version for all languages is provided in the top right.
At this point the privacy policy has not been assigned to any location.
Navigate to Company > Locations and select the desired location from the list.
Scroll down to Privacy Policy and select the privacy policy you wish to use from the drop down menu.
Click Save to apply the changes.
An Imprint can be added in Company > Compliance if desired.
Edit an existing Privacy Policy or Imprint
If a privacy policy or an imprint have already been created, you can edit these as required using the pencil icon.
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