In order to determine whether an existing invitation exists for a person, a name comparison is performed between the name from the invitation and the name on the ID document. This matching is performed according to defined rules - here you will find an overview of how the process is structured.
Step 1: Matching the names to a uniform format
In the first step, the name of the guest from the registration, as well as the name on the scanned ID document, is transformed into a uniform format. The standard ICAO document 9303 is used for that purpose.
- Umlauts, diacritical marks, "ß" and other special letters (such as æ, œ, ð, þ) in the name are either transcribed in the MRZ (e.g. Müller → MUELLER, Groß→ GROSS) or replaced by normal letters (e.g. Désirée → DESIREE).
- Prefixes and suffixes such as Dr., Sir or Jr. are removed
- Currently we are removing the following titles:
- Dipl.-Ing.
- (FH)
- M.A.
- LL.M.
- M.SC.
- DR.
- MBA.
- M.B.L.
- MD.
- SR.
- JR.
- Original name: Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Désirée Großmann-Müller
Step 2: Tolerance for inconsistencies of the name
In the second step, minor errors are checked by our system and then either tolerated or rejected.
1st rule: Typing errors
There is a maximum of 1 letter discrepancy between the name on the invitation and the ID document.
Name on invitation | John Do |
Name on ID document | John Doe |
No more than 1 wrong letter ➔ successful verification
Name on invitation | Johnn Do |
Name on ID document | John Doe |
More than 1 wrong letter ➔ verification fails
2nd rule: middle names
If a middle name is missing on the guest's invitation, but it is on the ID document, the verification will succeed.
If there is a middle name on the invitation that is not on the ID document, the verification will fail.
Name on invitation | John Doe |
Name on ID document | John Michael Doe |
Name on the ID document is just extended ➔ successful verification
Name on invitation | John Michael Doe |
Name on ID document | John Doe |
Invited person doesn't seem to be the person on site ➔ verification fails
3rd rule: blank spaces
If a space is inserted twice when entering a double first or last name, this is not a problem and will not be considered during name matching.
However, if a space is forgotten, i.e. two names are accidentally written together, this will result in an error.
If a name is accidentally separated by a space, the verification also fails.
Example: ( · = space )
Name on invitation | John · · Michael · Doe |
Name on ID document | John · Michael · Doe |
Double space not relevant ➔ successful verification
Name on invitation | JohnMichael · Doe |
Name on ID document | John · Michael · Doe |
Missing space leads to wrong name ➔ verification fails
Name on invitation | John · Mich · ael · Doe |
Name on ID document | John · Michael · Doe |
Additional space leads to wrong name ➔ verification fails
If all steps are successful, the guest is successfully verified and forwarded in the check-in flow.
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