How does name matching by essentry work?

In order to determine whether an existing invitation exists for a person, a name comparison is performed between the name from the invitation and the name on the ID document. This matching is performed according to defined rules - here you will find an overview of how the process is structured.

Step 1: Matching the names to a uniform format

In the first step, the name of the guest from the registration, as well as the name on the scanned ID document, is transformed into a uniform format. The standard ICAO document 9303 is used for that purpose.

  • Umlauts, diacritical marks, "ß" and other special letters (such as æ, œ, ð, þ) in the name are either transcribed in the MRZ (e.g. Müller → MUELLER, Groß→ GROSS) or replaced by normal letters (e.g. Désirée → DESIREE).
  • Prefixes and suffixes such as Dr., Sir or Jr. are removed
  • Currently we are removing the following titles:
    • Dipl.-Ing.
    • (FH)
    • M.A.
    • LL.M.
    • M.SC.
    • PHD
    • DR.
    • PROF.
    • MBA.
    • M.B.L.
    • MSC
    • MD.
    • SR.
    • JR.
  • Original name: Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Désirée Großmann-Müller
  • Transformed name: GROSSMANN>MUELLER>>DESIREE


Step 2: Tolerance for inconsistencies of the name

In the second step, minor errors are checked by our system and then either tolerated or rejected.

1st rule: Typing errors

There is a maximum of 1 letter discrepancy between the name on the invitation and the ID document. 


Name on invitation John Do
Name on ID document John Doe

No more than 1 wrong letter ➔ successful verification


Name on invitation Johnn Do
Name on ID document John Doe

More than 1 wrong letter ➔ verification fails

2nd rule: middle names

If a middle name is missing on the guest's invitation, but it is on the ID document, the verification will succeed.

If there is a middle name on the invitation that is not on the ID document, the verification will fail. 


Name on invitation John Doe
Name on ID document John Michael Doe

Name on the ID document is just extended ➔ successful verification


Name on invitation John Michael Doe
Name on ID document John Doe

Invited person doesn't seem to be the person on site ➔ verification fails

3rd rule: blank spaces

If a space is inserted twice when entering a double first or last name, this is not a problem and will not be considered during name matching.

However, if a space is forgotten, i.e. two names are accidentally written together, this will result in an error.
If a name is accidentally separated by a space, the verification also fails.

Example: ( · = space )

Name on invitation John · · Michael · Doe
Name on ID document John · Michael · Doe

Double space not relevant ➔ successful verification


Name on invitation JohnMichael · Doe
Name on ID document John · Michael · Doe

Missing space leads to wrong name ➔ verification fails


Name on invitation John · Mich · ael · Doe
Name on ID document John · Michael · Doe

Additional space leads to wrong name ➔ verification fails

If all steps are successful, the guest is successfully verified and forwarded in the check-in flow.


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