Check-in-Flow Editor: Settings and actions (Intro 2/4)

This is a continuation of the previous section Intro to the Check-in Flow Editor and covers in detail the Actions and Settings that can be configured within the States and Transitions of the Check-in Flow Editor.

Actions can be executed through the incoming and outgoing triggers. They can also be assigned to individual transitions and are triggered when the guest leaves the state via that Transition.



Actions are split into the following categories:



Send custom email

Sends a pre-defined email template to a list of pre-defined email adresses.

A default language can also be assigned, should the email adresses not have a preferred language associated to them.

Send notification to host

& appointment creator

Sends a pre-defined email template to the host/appointment creator. You can assign email templates for single or multiple guests that have checked-in.
Multiple guests can only be checked-in by the reception and not at a kiosk/iPad.


At the kiosk

Dispense RFID card Dispenses a RFID card from the kiosk.
The Print on Card option can be ignored unless you have a Kiosk with an EasyPrinter S3, which can print on cards.

Show appointment details to guest

Displays the appointment details on the kiosk/iPad screen.
Display custom information for guests at the kiosk Allows for a custom message to be set that is displayed to the guest on the kiosk/iPad.
The essentry default message may be displayed additionally and can be toggled on or off. 
Print a guest badge Prints a name badge for the guest, based on a pre-defined template, at the kiosk or on all printer devices at that entrance.
The entrance option is primarily used for printers linked to iPads and should not be used for kiosk setups.
Show directions to guest Displays the floor and room number the guest should move towards.
This information can be defined in the location/tenant settings respectivly.
Display custom information for guests to confirm after check-in Allows for a custom message to be set that is displayed to the guest on the kiosk/iPad. The guest must acknowledge that they have read the message.
The essentry default message may be displayed additionally and can be toggled on or off. 


Data manipulation

Assign random access credentials to this guest Assigns a random access card number to the guest from all available card numbers.
Delete picture captured during check-in Deletes the picture captured by the identity verification process. The picture will not be displayed in the detail view of the reception view afterwards.
Generate PDF Generates a PDF or file based on a pre-defined template and assigns it to a custom field that is associated to the guests profile.
Manipulate access profiles

Defines if the selected access profile is
- added to the existing access profiles of the guest.
- removed from the existing access profiles of the guest.
- set as the access profile(s) of the guest if none is assigned/overwrites all existing access profiles of the guest.

Fill out additional information Sets a data field value based on a fixed target value.
(For more detailed information about this, please contact the essentry support team)



Settings can be applied in both States and Transitions, but the functions they perform are different.



Guest pick-up When enabled, the host can select an estimated waiting time in the host notification to inform the guest of their estimated wait time until pick-up.
This information is also displayed to the receptionist.
Access control This setting determines if and when a guests access credentials are activated while in this State.
No access - Guest access credentials are not active while in this State.
Access in this State - Guest access credentials are active while in this State.
Access during appointment - Guest access credentials are active while in this State and during the time period of their appointment.



Custom fields Determines what custom fields are displayed to the guest to be filled out/read. Custom fields can be Required, Optional or Read Only.
Compliance documents What compliance documents the guest is shown can be defined here.
Detailed information on the types of compliance documents can be found here.
Recurring guests Returning guests can be allowed to skip previously completed compliance documents. Options to identify guests are:
No identification - returning guests are not identified and must complete compliance documents again.
Name - returning guests are identified by name only. (unsafe, should not be used for important documents)
Name and Birthdate - returning guests are identified by a combination of name and birthdate.
Don't request the name - used for debug processes. Should not be used on live use cases.
Guest company Requests the guest to enter the name of their company. This is optional by default but can be made mandatory.
If the field is already set by a host, guests won't be able to see or edit the field.
Host If a guest checks in without an invitation, they can be prompted to select a host by themselves.
This setting can be further refined to allow the guest to specify the hosts company, instead of a specific host.
Trusted ID Determines if the Trusted ID process should be carried out. If enabled, the following options can be additionally enabled:
Take a picture of the guest - Biometric comparison with the ID document is carried out.
Use existing document if available - If a guest checks in via QR-code and has already scanned their ID once, we'll assume him as verified and only compare the old portrait from the ID against the new portrait. He does not need to scan his ID again, but gets prompted to take a photo.
Process birthdate - when enabled, the birthdate is read from the ID document and shown in the reception, depending on the data privacy settings.
Temperature check If the kiosk has a temperature sensor installed, the guest can be prompted to measure if they have a high temperature.
Only stores 'yes' or 'no' - no exact temperature is stored.
Portrait picture In addition to the TrustedID picture, the guest will be asked to take another picture without a liveness check.
The guest will have the option to retake the portrait picture as many times as they like so the picture looks good for them.
Check-in period Defines how long before and after an appointment guests can check in for that appointment. It is recommended to allow guests to check in some time before the appointment. If a guest checks in before or after the appointment + tolerance, we will not "find" an appointment. It can be matched manually in the reception though.
If disabled, a default threshold is used.
Website Display a website during the check-in at the kiosk. This website can be used to integrate complex processes that are otherwise not part of the check-in at the kiosk.


Other Articles in this Section 

Check-in Flow Editor (Intro 1/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Conditions (3/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Detailed explanation of the standard Check-in Flow (Intro 4/4)

Check-in Flow Editor: Example Use Cases (Bonus)


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