How do I get host notifications on Microsoft teams?



  • You need the essentry integration for Microsoft Teams (can be found in the Microsoft Teams AppStore)
  • If you only want to install the app for yourself: User rights to install apps for yourself
  • If you want to install the app for a team: User rights to install apps for a team
  • If in doubt, ask your IT administrator about user rights


How to install the Teams Integration

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and navigate to Apps in the left sidebar.
  2. Enter "essentry" in the search at the top left.

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  3. Click on Add and then use the drop-down menu to select whether you want to add the app just for yourself or for a team.

After successful installation, the app will then automatically send notifications via Teams Chat when your guest has arrived.

Important: The email address of the Microsoft Teams account must match the email used in essentry!

Warning: Host notifications have to be activated in the check-in flow.
How it's done: Click here.



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